Friday, February 18, 2011

An only child with siblings!

I'm very excited! In two weeks I will be going to Florida with three very dear girlfriends that God has placed in my life. They are well considered my spiritual sisters. That thought has lead me to write the following....

First, Here's a little background for those who don't know me. I am an only child, but I have been blessed with some of the greatest friends a person could ask for. They are the siblings that I never had...and ohh how MANY they are! It's amazing what God can do when we allow our hearts to be opened by Him. I now desire that I had more time to devote in knowing each of them more. I like to think that's another thing eternity offers to us...ALL the time we need to know each other. I sure do look forward to it, because this earthly life does not afford all that I would do with them if I could!

Second, It's been an interesting adjustment for me at times. The lessons I may have learned sooner in life from being in a family with siblings were a bit delayed, but I am thankful for them, none-the-less, because they have taught me many things about myself that I lacked, desired, and just flat out needed to repent of. Like how to be a true friend..and that through the good times and the bad..there really are people committed to being there....and as for the repenting part...well...I can be selfish and envious and other such immaturities (lol). However, during the course of life's lessons I've been learning a lot about what not to be and what to be! I'm still learning and growing and desiring to be continually molded and shaped into the person that pleases God!

Finally, I must include a few random things that have happened recently that remind me of just how special they are and how their presence blesses me!

~At work today I received a call on my cell phone from Rob [thinking he's calling me for a haircut ;.)] when in reality he's calling to tell me he's driving by my house in his new work truck and wanted to give me heads up so I could see it. The happiness and joy I felt for him as we rejoiced together over a much awaited and prayerfully sought after job! I wish I could've seen him driving by!
~A text from Casie that surprised me and came shortly after I had just thought to myself how nice it would be to go out an do something with friends after such a long week of working! Believe me when I say it didn't take me long to get out the door!!! Wahooo!
~Getting to see Laura's apartment and hearing her tell the shovel story and how she carries the blue light around. She has such a good sense of humor and is good at making the best of things.
~Spending time listening to Casie and Naomi,during a Mexican meal, as they talk about our trip to Florida and all the plans they've come up with. I believe the road trip is going to be a bigger part of our memories more than we think.
~The idea of meeting up with Ron and Vicki in Florida and how we will be there in the same week as them is pretty cool, since I was unable to catch the trip down to Florida with her, and yet still get to see them.
~Doing Amy's hair and having a discussion on vanity. Anything wrong with that picture? jk
~Talking with another friend that's pretty down right now and remembering how much my friends were there for me when I was having a low time in life.

Yep! That's what I'm talking about...not enough time to do all that I would like too and definitely not enough time to write about all of it! I guess that's what happens when you have so many siblings as an only child!

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